Natalia Hale,22 years old from Greece. Lost in Toronto for few months. Deeply in love with travelling & music.Currently,enjoys life to the fullest ♥





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Prague 2012
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Thursday 15 November 2012 || 13:41

Tuesday 6 November 2012 || 14:55


I could start by saying so many random things about me but will this honestly help you all understand me? I believe that you can truly connect with someone when you both have something in common. So, if you are reading this, I can tell you we probably have something in common, blogging (that I will try so bad not to suck at) or music or the internet in general. That’s what I do almost every day the past few months since I am short of dropout from college.

Me and the internet:

Seven years ago, I had a surgery on my right eye (nothing important), and it was the first day ever that I had a day off from school. My mom used to send me when I was sick too. Obviously, I liked it. I had to time to connect to the Internet, with my PSTN connection, YAY! - and discover a brand-new world called where I could learn about new bands and meet HIM fans, like me. Pretty much this is how all started. I did more and more skipping from classes the following days and years. Honestly, I wish I had stayed only in buzznet back then, but I did not. Later, my Tokio Hotel era as a fan had started and lack of studying and sleeping was a part of my daily routine. I really remember my mom trying to take away my PC screen in order for me to study. I can say that I mostly used the Internet to socialize (because in my school, I was an outcast aka Satanist because I was into HIM -the band- which is weird but its true) and to learn to do things like building a website, coding, Photoshop and all these fascinating things called web graphics.

Me and College:

My parents were worried, that I would die in front of the screen, so, they told me that it would be nice if I at least got a degree for these weird things I do on the Internet. My college days had officially started back in 2009 and I was majoring computer science major in order to study what I loved but I HAD to be patient for three years *freaks out*. I spent my first two years in college studying, meeting new people *and feeling weird about it* and of course promoting Tokio Hotel in my country on the Internet and on the streets.

It would all stayed that way until last year that I had something like midlife crisis. I thought that it would be nice to try other majors too and find what I was destined to be. I can say that I experiment with myself on music and found my way to communication major, and I believe combining both, I see a future for me. It took me the spring and summer semesters to find out though.

At the moment, I took fall semester off because financially I couldn't afford it. Now, I am, mostly, wondering around like a lost puppy most in spare time.

Me and Blogging:

I think that all these years, and all these hours spent online that I would've done this sooner. I did and I kind of gave up in the meantime. Maybe the timing was wrong back then, and of course; I was less mature. I believe that now is the time for me to do it, and I thought about starting it again. I have more free time and I could really keep this up.

Few weeks ago, I was processing this idea, and I had to think about my main topic and what I should blog about. To be honest, as a person I always wanted to share with others but I was mostly not allowed to andI became more and more anti-social. So, blogging is also a challenge for me. Lately, I’ve come across with myself changing or maturing or growing up refer to it, as you like-and I thought that it would help me to reach the next chapter of my life. Additionally, this is a way for me to reach out to people who feel the same way or experience the same situation.

Me and what you will expect from me:

I feel the need to point out some things:
1. Crazy random posts about fandoms. It’s a habit of mine, so I apologize in advance.
2. Grammar errors that I would try to minimize as the time goes by. (Yes! I am not a native speaker.)
3. Irony & sarcasm: Both are mostly part of my whole existence, but I will try to be less offensive as possible.
4. Music Videos posts, I do post a lot of those in general.

That's pretty much all. If you are still reading this, thank you. I hope we will be seeing more of each other in near future :)

Thanks for reading and don't forget to be brilliant, different and embrace your scars everyday :)

P.S picture credits 

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